Barcodes on our documents can be used just like PatchCodes to split documents with more than one page. ChronoScan recognizes many types of Barcodes and all of them can be used in different ways to split documents. Let's take a look at how to use the Barcode reading settings window to split our documents using Barcodes.
It should be noted that in order to split documents using barcodes the user must first import a sample or small batch of the documents with the barcode or barcodes that are going to be used to split the documents, setup the split and then remove and import all of the documents so they can be processed correctly.
First import the sample document or documents;
Click on each page containing the barcodes and open the Barcode Reading Settings in order to setup the split for each barcode;
On the Barcode Reading Window select the desired barcode for the current configuration (on the case of multiple Barcodes) and tweak the Actions section as desired;
In order to have the the split to happen when the selected barcode is found select the "If BC has been read, insert new document" option and then choose one of the two splitting options, by choosing "The document begins on this page" the Barcode page will be the first of every new document and by choosing "The document ends on this page" the page with the Barcode will be the last of every new document;
If the application requires it the "If BC has been read, delete page" can be enabled to remove the pages that contain the barcode and the "New Document Conditions" can be used for greater control over the barcodes that will actually be used to Split the document (very useful when all the pages have a barcode or when there are specific Barcode rules for the documents);
The last step is to close the Barcode Reading Window by clicking "OK", removing the sample documents and importing the entire planned Batch.
Barcode Split Action
Enabling this option will enable Barcode Split. The other two options give greater control over how the documents will be split.
By using this option conditions can be created to only split when the condition are met. Learn more about the conditions here. (Those settings are the same as the ones for Barcode Triggers)