Index Barcode Reading Settings Barcode Reading Settings
On this window you can adjust settings for each of your Barcode Read Configurations.

Barcode Type, Length and Pattern

1. Barcode Type, Length and Pattern
On this section you can select which kinds of barcodes you will be reading out of your documents and how long they will be. This allows for having different configurations for different barcodes you want to capture. On the pattern selection a pattern can be created to sort through when there is more than one barcode of the same type that needs to be captured.

Image Processing

2. Image Processing
On this section you can adjust image processing settings if ChronoScan is having trouble reading your barcodes.
This usually happens with noisy image backgrounds and poor image quality. It is also possible to read only vertical or horizontal barcodes.
The Color Threshold option will help you solve reading issues when you use color images. The value set is the intensity threshold value for all colors and it ranges from 0 to 255.
Lowering this value will set more colors to read as black.

Barcode Read

3. Barcode Read
On this section you can see all the barcodes that ChronoScan can read using the settings on the other sections. You select a different image from your imported documents to be read and zoom in and out.
Every time you want to test new read settings you can click on "Read BarCodes" to make sure everything that you need is being scanned correctly.

Barcode Triggers and Read Area

4. Barcode Triggers and Read Area
On this section it is possible to control basic triggers for barcodes and the read area if you are having trouble with a reading.
Increasing the value of Left and Top will ignore that portion of the document. Decreasing Right and Bottom will ignore that portion of the document. So setting Left to 50 will ignore the side of the document. Setting Bottom to 50 will ignore the bottom half of the document.
Setting Left to 100 will ignore the entire document. Setting Bottom to 0 will ignore the entire document.
Here it is possible to delete pages or images with barcodes, rotate the images and split documents using all of the barcode or only part of it. More triggering options can be found on the "BARCODE Trigger Settings" on the "Barcode Read" button on the "Scan/Input" tab.
Clicking OK will save the configurations and close the window asking to reprocess the batch with the new settings.

Image Window

5. Image Window
On this window the preview for the barcode read settings is shown. The barcodes being read will always display a red line around them.