On the trigger properties the user can set the conditions and the actions as well as basic settings for the selected trigger.
Local OCR
Setting this option to true will replace the OCR reading used by the Trigger. If it is set to local a new OCR reading will be made for that specific Trigger area. If this option is set to false the Trigger will use the background OCR information. This option, if set to true, can speed up jobs where full page OCR is not needed. Using this option set to true can fix problems with the detection.
On the Trigger Conditions all the conditions for the Trigger can be set.
The OnTextExist field will enable search for a specific piece of text. The OnRegExpExist field will enable search for a pattern set by a regular expression.
To use Text search just fill in the OnTextExist field, to use Regular Expression search fill in the OnRegExpExist field.
The Fuzziness level will set how many characters can be wrong before the detection is invalid.
When the text or regular expression is found, the trigger is activated.
It is also possible to include several strings or regular expressions on the same trigger using a semicolon (;) as string separator (ex: Value 1;Value 2)
The Trigger can also be used to perform a lookup on a database.
On the Trigger Actions section the user can set the actions for the Trigger.
The default action for triggers is "set position reference". But others can be selected.
If a regular expression is used there is also the option to use the Trigger to capture data by using the option "Set Field With Regular Expression Result".
The trigger actions are:
Split document (this is first page)
Split document (this is last page)
Split document is the trigger changes (is first page)
Split document is the trigger changes (is last page)
Create a position reference for OCR zones
Execute a VBScript
Do Nothing
Horizontal reference line, (used on grid capture for upper/lower table limits)
Report split (Use on grid capture for multipage-record management)
Show on page: Document pages in which the trigger is executed.
Execute on Type: Allows the user to create a document type specific trigger.
Run in type: When using a type specific trigger (Execute in Type field set to Run only in indicated type) the document type can be selected in this field.
Execute only if this trigger is positive: Using this option will link the current trigger execution to the result of another trigger.
Trigger Logic: This field will allow the user to invert the logic of the trigger (ensure that the text or regular expression doesn't exist).
Local OCR: This option, if set to true, can speed up jobs where full page OCR is not needed. Using this option set to true can fix problems with the detection. View point one.