ChronoScan Release Notes v.
July 31, 2024
Requires maintenance through 2023.07.31
XGrids: Allow to set a minimum row height
PDF image extraction options: New option to resize very large extracted images
New output module for SharePoint Online
Add password protection to Nuance PDF output
Regular expression triggers, allow to set a capture group in a field instead of the match
Intellitag looking for a regular expression, allow to set a capture group instead of the match
New API method: Batch.AddFileToBatch
New option for omitting blank pages when rendering pdfs
Pdf render overwrite depending on pdf information like creator, producer, author...
New option for re-doing OCR also on ignored items

Added Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to enterprise
New ability to drag and drop files in the thumbnail panel for adding new documents (indexer)
Group fields auto-expanded if any has a validation error
New notifications for IMAP and SMTP OAuth credentials that are expired or near expiry
- wci_system_alert_AUTH_IMAP_CRED_expiration
- wci_system_alert_AUTH_SMTP_CRED_expiration
- wci_system_alert_LINK_EXPIRY_DAYS
Customizable field styles for indexer form
New Hotfolder option. Add/ Enqueue input files through database
New column view mode for documents panel
View as json mode for documents panel
Customizable IMAP error notification email
Activity view for batch/document on indexer
Reports: column chooser/ report configurator on report 3 (workflow)
Reports: New report for jobs status
New event: OnBatchClose
New event: OnENT_ValidateDocument
New events: OnExtractBegins and OnExtractEnds
New processing options after export:
- Delete ignored documents
- Delete ignored documents if only ignored documents remain in the batch
New ChronoApp methods
New ChronoJob methods
New ChronoBatch methods
New ChronoDocument methods

- Capability to process batches with ChatGPT
- Models & prompts configuration
- Different ChatGPT models available
- Capability for fine-tuning ChatGPT models with ChronoScan applications
Implementation for Azure OpenAI Service
- How to use it

- Free generative AI processing

- On premise AI generation
- Open source models such as Mistral, llama3, Gemma2 and more

- Straightforward invoice processing
- No template configuration needed
- No OCR needed
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
May 25, 2023
Requires maintenance through 2022.05.25
Customizable buttons; added the option to have up to 20 buttons (desktop & web)
Intelli-Tags; New option for finding nearest code, amount and date at left
Intelli-Tags; allow setting the value found when looking for a regular expresion
Xml extended conversion; new options for main grid node and record node. Allows to add to a custom node tree and attributes
New Option to rotate images with EXIF information about orientation
New option to create Nuance MRC PDF files using the Google OCR text layer
VBScript after conversion/ output modules execution
New conversion module "PdfEdit" for pasting text, images and barcodes in a pdf
New conversion module json output
External data viewer; added scriptable text input to toolbar (desktop & web)
New option to add annotations on pages that can be exported to a pdf (desktop & web)
Grid cutter, option to avoid images that are smaller than a specific size (width and height)
Added the ignore text option for normal triggers
Added Minimum Height/Width option for patchcode detection & validation
pdfA version for ChronoScan pdf output
Database Lookup, new option, set an error when lookup key is found
New processing log for batches
New job variables: ignorevalidation_onbatch_load and job_processing_version
Trigger panel, view the main trigger characteristics in grid mode
New VBScript ChronoApp function Indexer_ShowXGridPanel(0|1)
Excel extraction, new option to select the sheet for extraction, instead of the active sheet
Preview text dialog option
Supplier wizzard helper panel
OCR Engine icon on image thumbs
Rename batch function from UI
I-Tags; Option to rename I-Tags lists
Added a visual flag to ignored documents/pages on desktop image viewer
Added a warning on main page when the log is active
Added the thumbs view to the data entry mode
Added the options "apply only to selected" and "apply only to documents with ocr error" to re-do ocr dialog
View enterprise document status on desktop form view
Added the filter for viewing only ignored pages (capture mode)
External data viewer; added the edit update statement option
Added the "Ignore pages mode" to the Scan/Input cursor menu
Added the ignored document icon on desktop grid view
Added the "View only ignored pages" to the Scan/Input filter menu
Fast batches loading (without batch information)
New approval workflow
- New user role 'approver'
- Routing documents to approvers
- Approve, reject, send to revise documents
- New filter for ChronoScan output module for approved and rejected documents
- More info
Multi-Thread INPUT server option
Multi-Thread INPUT server option for Hotfolders and IMAP input
Multi-Thread PROCESSING server option
I-Tag management button/ dialog on indexer form fields
Improved and simplified I-Tag edit dialog for web
Added I-Tags field names to canvas
Added I-Tag options (stop when found|preference for last result) to the web I-Tag edit dialog
New history panel on dashboard
Modules summary report on enterprise
View background text button on enterprise indexer
New notification for batches that are waiting in "increation" status for a specific time (OnBatch_Status_[increation]_WaitingFor)
New notification for batches that are waiting in "created" status for a specific time (OnBatch_Status_[created]_WaitingFor)
Limit certain notifications to a specific number of batches to be sent
Indexer; option to edit I-Tags from indexer tag menu icon (canvas)
Option to export external data viewer results to an excel file
Reports; New report for ChronoScan processes and services information
Password reset email from login form option
Added the filter for last month (now first and last of last month) and last 30 days for reports
Option for non-admins to change document status
New administration section UI
Added the option to assign higher/lower priority to jobs when processing
Ocr/pdf info icons (error/success/etc) on thumbs and ocr info (Clicking on them)
Indexer; added page previous/next buttons to canvas
Indexer; option for going to next batch when sending current batch to reprocess
Indexer; batches panel and go to another batch directly from the index view
Indexer; bacthes history panel on the index view
Indexer; Thumbnails will take less indexer space (show only first page made push-button)
Indexer; OCR zones background text on mouseover and document background text size/color options
Improved and standarized notifications layout
Allow opening batches on "ready to export" inbox on indexer
Reports; new Processed IMAP emails report
New layout for "Document with pending notes" inbox
IMAP import; process Outlook .msg attachments
IMAP input new rule for omitting an email if an attachment doesn't follow a rule
IMAP input, new function for attachment rules %pdf.pages%
IMAP report, allow to set a message to unseen so that it can import again
Added a set document status option to the documents panel
New dashboard inbox for batches "increation" status
Option for activating/deactivating users from users tab
Option for editing vbscripts for custom buttons on web indexer (only admins)
Option for showing indexer form at left and thumbs at right of the image
Option for compact indexer toolbar (advanced UI)
Quick goto batch/docs panel from dashboard batch record
Option for editing vbscripts for custom buttons on web indexer (only admins)
New ChronoJob object and methods
- GetName
- IsUserApprover
- IsApprovalWorkflow
- ExternalDataImportExecute
- DownloadFileInBrowser
- GetCurrentJob
- GetUserMail
- GetUserId
- GetUserName
- GetUserType
- CancelEventExecution
- Existing methods added to enterprise
- Indexer_SelectNextDoc
- Indexer_SelectLastDoc
- Indexer_SelectNextPage
- Indexer_SelectPrevPage
- Indexer_SelectLastDoc
- Indexer_SelectFirstDoc
- IgnoreDocument
- IsDocumentIgnored
- IgnorePage
- IsPageIgnored
- ExecuteConversionModule
- GetDocStatus
- SetDocStatus
- Approve
- Reject
- SendToRevise
- SetApprover
- GetEntStatus
- GetSelectedDocument
- ExecuteUpdate
- ClearCurrentView
- GetRowCount
- GetColCount
- GetColType
- GetColName
- GetColIndex
- GetCellValueNumeric
- GetCellValueString
- AddStyleClass
- RemoveStyleClass
More info: ChronoScan Scripting Model documentation

Google Vision engine configurator added to desktop
Added Google Cloud connector thru API_KEY to Google Vision OCR engine
Added new OCR settings for Google Vision
- Endpoint
- Compression level
- Deskew image
- Fallback OCR
- Language hints
Google Vision integration documentation
Google Document AI integration documentation
Fixed vertical text display issue with Google Vision
Fixed web field property 'Visible for' (editor) and added the roles (operators|approvers)
Fixed the show/hide form group fields thru vbscript on web indexer
Fixed remembering show/hide crosshair for web indexer
Fixed thumbnails footer overlapping small images on web indexer
Fixed reset previous ocr on ocr re-build for google vision (desktop)
Fixed UserButton.* vbscript methods called from not UserButton events not working on web
Other minor improvements and fixes
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
April 21, 2022
Requires maintenance through 2021.04.21
New ChronoScan launcher dialog
New download & install samples on launcher
Added a Demo license request dialog
Export configurations to zip files
Full text search on a whole batch
eTags Engine with line items
Ignore area triggers property for text density
New DB lookup functionality
- New interface
- Allow activate/ deactivate them
- allow execute on demand (VBScript funcion)
- New additional filter
- Allow to use "OR" operator to compare different lookup keys
OAuth support for IMAP import
Implemented OAUTH for SMTP output
Allow exact match or regex for imported Itags
Allow rotate image when adding merged OCR for pdf
Added a field property to remove/replace/whitelist characters i.e. # from invoice numbers
Added a notification on alerts email to admins for when licenses remaining percentage reaches out 90%
Allow users to set xGrid base colour when using multiple grids
New option for Nuance pdf output: PDFA versions
Drag and drop office documents (working when a office to pdf converter is configured)
File system output module, new option to throw an error if no document reaches the output
Remove strings for intellitag results
Stop hotfolder importing from "\imported" ( (or whatever is defined) when importing from subfolders
Option for when is not possible to delete files on disk don't remove batches on database and add an entry in the activity log
Barcode new image filter "Median Filter"
Improved regular expressions and regexp/alias edit manager
Added the possibility to save import errors in specific location
Added the possibility of adding a password to email rules to open a PDF
Added the possibility to restrict editor role for admin
New option to move pages to specific positions within a document on the indexer interface
New batch status waiting_external_actions
New notification for batches on status waiting_external_actions
External Data viewer & External data viewer configurator added to enterprise
New option for generating backups from enterprise interface
- More info: Enterprise backup
Added a rebuild OCR function to ENT
Option to re-do the OCR for pages
New date picker combos
When linking a local job to an enterprise config, create (actual user) permissions automatically for that job
IMAP input: allow to set several mailboxes for a configuration
- Option to set number of lines for multiline fields
- Option to set form fields width
- Option to disable field name pop up
- Option to disable tooltips (validation message) on hover field descriptions
- More info: Password Policy Management
- New combo charts and pie charts reports for activity
- New report for database status (fragmentation and usage)
- Added auto export data for reports. Now enterprise reports can be automatically scheduled, generated and sent
- More info: Scheduled Reports
- More info: VBScript editor for enterprise
- More info: See, edit and execute VBScripts on indexer
New ChronoApp functions
- MovePage
- Indexer_FilterDocuments
- Indexer_OpenBatch
- OpenLinkInBrowser
- AddPage
- MoveDocument
- CreateNewDocumentType
- FullOCR
- AddNewDocument
- Ability to define and automatically classify documents using intellitags and rules
- Ability to automatically split documents based on class
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
July 7, 2021
Requires maintenance through 2020.07.07
New full text search on baches
Added a "Nearest regex below" for Intelli-Tags
New function to re-read barcodes
Locked batches indicator on desktop "Batches Panel"
PDF bookmarks: allow a tree structure
New configuration for Document types
- Negative number formats
- Date and decimal format
Triggers: New option for custom pages
Added a new option to only import text from PDF depending on the number of characters
ODBC export, new utility: Insert a file into a long binary field
New option for avoiding text layer when less than x characters
New option for avoiding importing big fonts on PDF like watermarks
New Intellitag option for filtering search itags using a sql select and document fields
Updated pdf render engine
Improved pdf text extraction and image extraction
Added variable to expose source file size
Check for dupes/existing on OCR regex combo
New smtp output module (Extended). Allows to send a .eml file
Option for hiding deleted batches on desktop
Twain scan, allow to save batch for every x pages scanned
New Convert module PDF Merge allowing to merge the pdf output of another module
New output module, Batch Routing to copy documents to another job/batch
Function to cache list retrieved from M-Files
Multithread export services for enterprise
xgrids now movable by drag and drop on indexer
image navigator added to indexer
Dashboard section for parked batches (Configurable)
Dashboard optimized, number of items to list per page configurable: "wci_dashboard_max_items: number"
Editing multiple IMAP configurations at once
Monthly Snapshots table for moving activity records instead of deleting old entries
Documents can be deleted now from the documents tab
Delete batch and Finish and next batch functionality from indexer
Added option for not allowing users to delete not exported batches
Administration configurable variables explanation (see: Enterprise Configuration variables)
Added the option to clear notifications older than X days like the activity log:
- wci_max_system_notifications_days: number
- wci_allow_filtering_by_exported_with_errors: boolean
Reprocess button added to the simple interface for indexing
Option to remove snapshots with more than x days
Add detailed error description per attachment on IMAP hotfolder import email response
New option to allow setting an error directory for enterprise hotfolders
Added the option to delete batch snapshots after X days
Added a session timeout by user inactivity to the enterprise version
New option for marking empty exported batches as errors. Configurable at job level
Added toolbar buttons to right click menu on indexer
Indexer cursor now highlights found words while selecting areas
New notifications
- Notifications for individual imap modules failing to connect
- Notifications for Batches waiting too long on the ready to export and created status
- Notifications for Batches that take a long time processing
- Reports 2 / activity Hourly Predefined views
- Document types information
- User Activity/Hourly
- User Logins/Logouts
- User time indexing
- Validated documents per User/Hour
- Services performance report
- Imap connections report
- More info: Debugging ChronoScan VBScripts
- OnXGridRowSelected
- OnBatchLoad
- RefreshBatchesPanel
- Indexer_GetXGridSelectedRowColValue
- Indexer_HighlightZone
- Indexer_GotoPage
- Indexer_XGridGetSelectedRowColValue
- SetEntityID
ChronoLite: New end users indexing application (BETA)
- See ChronoLite UI
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
April 27, 2020
Requires maintenance through 2019.04.27
Improve refine type by text flow
Allow user defined regex for zone:
Allow to import office documents using a third party office to pdf converter
Add github documentation link to scripting window
New features on Script editor. Search, Replace, Go to line, etc
Add support for pre-defined regex
Pdf input module now allows image files, so it can be used for import pdf and image documents
Allow to activate/deactivate log from user interface
Chrono PDF output module. Improvement for multi threading, generate the output pdf using several threads, improves the speed
TXT output, new option for CSV EXCEL field format
Maths operations in fields
Add Xgrid settings when copy default type settings
XGrid, check balance rounding new configured margin
XGrid, balance fields, allow to overwrite these fields for document type
- Support new Code 93
- Support new GS1-128
Intellitags search for a regular expression
PDF information in system page fields
Hotfolder, add ability to pause console log
New option for a field to keep the aspect and position ratio
New Batches Snapshot and compare tool
Get OCR confidence for full text
Sharepoint output export, actions if the document already exists (add _nnn)...
Alternative layout processor for jobs: Allows to resort text lines and blocks using an unique method for PDF/OCR as alternative to native sorting
New email notifications for server/services status
User interface, allow to set a document type manually
Button to show hide crosshairs on web
Hotfolders, allow custom paths
Offer Supplier selection dialog window when triggers find more than one supplier option (while indexing documents)
Document types panel, allow to set configured/not configured to selection
Multiple suppliers dialog opening
IMAP import, new option to create a new batch for each email attachment received
Server status for all the services and SMTP on user interface
Send email to admin when services are down
Low disk space warning (configurable)
Batch filters on dashboard
Batch tab new option to see export reports
Batch tab new filter toolbar
Add tooltip to any index fields that overflow input area
Allow to activate/deactivate log from user interface and see on status panel if it is activated
Allow to add/delete users through an interchange table
Move batch/input files from incorrect hotfolder/batch to a new hotfolder/batch
Add user to all roles at once and expand/ collapse user roles tree view
New option for assigning document type and validate to multiple doc selection
New report output view options: (TreeView & pretty print)
IMAP and HOTFOLDER new option max number of batches per input session on IMAP this option per configuration
Create new document type on index window
M-Files output module, allow several values for a data type multi-select
New ChronoBatch functions
- Save, saves current batch
- GetDateCreated
- GetDateUpdated
- GetOutModule_MFilesServerApplication
- GetVariableValue
- DeleteBatch
- LookupForceValidation
- SetDocumentAsIndexed
- SaveToPDF
- IgnorePage
- IsPageIgnored
- GetXGridSelectedRows
- GetVariableValue
- HideOnGridView
- ShowOnGridView
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
February 11, 2019
Requires maintenance through 2018.02.11
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
January 31, 2019
Requires maintenance through 2018.01.31
Extended xml export. Allow attributes for main, document and custom nodes.
Export configurator, allow to add description to a module
Export configurator, allow to copy output module and conversion module
Xml Export (extended) new option to split a node in several nodes by a character
Xml Export (extended) new option, maximum number of characters in a node
Improve in auto adjust for zone fields
Pdf import, allow to order the files before import
New ShareBase by Hyland output module
External data import, allow to delete not existing records in source database
CIMIS export, allow to upload a new version when the document exists
New intellitag option "Nearest regular expresion at right"
New masterkey utility for import/export masterkeys
New convert module for Digital signature
Export to Google Docs updated to Google Drive with OAuth2 Authentication
Custom OCR configuration for field zones, overwriting global configuration
Marker Remove
Append to existing text files
Allow multiple IntelliTags for single field to create array
Add user values to IntelliTags
Keep orignal path when importing Pdf
Allow continue and rename/move for corrupt Pdf in hotfolder
Concatenate functions for export fields
New grid function "cut left word"
M-Files allow to set properties not associated to the class
- OnProcesBegin
- OnDocumentProcessBegin
- OnDocumentProcessFinish
- MergeDocuments
- GetZoneFieldJpg
- GetDocumentGuid
- GetProcessedDocumentSize
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
December 15, 2017
Requires maintenance through 2016.12.15
Pdf documents, allows to save original document and export using the original document
New intellitag utility to search nearest regular expression
GridCutter processing module, allows to add footer to each clip as well as header
M-Files, allow to dynamically set the object type and class
M-Files, allow to add files to an existing object (multi-file mode)
- GetField *To return a UserField object
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
October 2, 2017
Requires maintenance through 2016.10.02
New option for intellitags "Phrase below"
Barcode, allow unicode values
Included new UI language (Simplified Chinese)
M-Files, allow to dynamically set the object type and class
M-Files, allow to add files to an existing object (multi-file mode)
- GetValidateStatus
Barcode read for fixed values when value position doesn't exist - fixed
hronoScan Release Notes v.
September 7, 2017
Requires maintenance through 2016.09.07
Ability to hide unwanted fields in the grid view panel
Support for very large databound lists
New hotfolder creation options
Ability to filter exported documents/data by field status/value
Blank page detection using content threshold
Ability to auto/manually mark documents to be ignored
Nuance OCR plugin Release Notes v.
September 8, 2017
Requires maintenance through 2016.09.08
Added new PDF A formats
Added zone location option to improve ocr
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
March 13, 2017
Requires maintenance through 2016.03.13
Mixed OCR/Native PDF text import utility
Search box for I-tags manager
Updated images engines
New visual styles
Help lists: Allows to configure refresh time
Export report: Don't generate export report
Page variables: Added indexed properties to page variables
New date validation function: ISDATEINRANGEFROMSCANDATE(-30,30)
Support to SFTP through curl
Input files: Allows to use a regular expression to filter input files
Hotfolders: Allows to setup an executing time frame
PDF rendering: Updated rendering engin
Barcode: Optimized reading of barcodes
Barcode: Added extended code 3/9
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
July 22, 2016
Requires maintenance through 2016.07.22
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
July 12, 2016
Requires maintenance through 2016.07.12
Hotfolder: Now whenever an error ocurs the hotfolder will stop and an email will be sent
Input modules: Regular expressions can now be used to filter input files/directories
Output modules: There is a new option to add pages to an existing PDF file
Grid capture: New charriage return splitter mode
Grouping fields for input form can be created
Import utilities for intellitags can be executed on windows scheduler
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
November 17, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.09.11
New language detection utility
Intelli-Tags changes using document language
New icons showing data source
Barcode triggers allows to select source module
General speed improvements opening/saving batches
New master key working mode (Allows to link Intellitags to an specific supplier)
Allow Documents types to be linked to master key
New Intelli-Tag/database syncronization tool
Database lookup viewer panel (Allows to view linked records)
Hotfolder allows to pause and send an e-mail on errors
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
23, July, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.07.23
Database lookups allows multiple configurations
Database lookups allows updates using an update key
Add master/detail extraction option to the xgrid
Rotate zones in Zonal OCR
Intellitag scoring improvements
ChronoScan OCR: overall OCR speed is higher by 20%-70%
Hand mode on viewer when mouse is over xgrid rows
Sharepoint connector issue with different List name and url name
XML Export: ability to create one XML file per document
- GetExportStatus
- CancelCurrentBatch
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
April 27, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.04.27
Advanced multiline split on Zonal OCR
Advanced image filters in Zonal OCR
Solved image rotation issue with ChronoScan OCR
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
March 23, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.04.27
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
March 17, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.03.17
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
March 9, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.03.05
Global Scripts and Jobs scripts modules (allows to share scripts between events)
Twain scan: possibility of change basic scan settings without open scanner settings window
VBScript Hotfolder, possibility of executes hotfolder scripts and configured UI scripts
Export all XGrid data in Txt conversion module, (before only one was allowed)
Export All XGrid in ODBC conversion module, (before only one was allowed)
Improved document type load times
More string macro commands for 'Variable Wizard'
Allows set maximum number of files to import in Hotfolder
Event script for OnGridRead and OnGridChanged
Triggers, split when a regular expression changes
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
January 28, 2015
Requires maintenance through 2014.01.27
Added Lithuanian interface language
Improve document type load times
Triggers, split when a regular expression changes
Grid, allows to copy previous lines if current is empty
Create event script for OnGridChanged
Allows to configure capture GRID with fixed row height and rows number
Update ChronoScan OCR engine: Improved overall OCR speed by 5-15%
Allows Hotfolder to create batches using subdirectories on the Hotfolder target
Allow several extensions in import configuration "*.jpg;*.jpeg"
Add multi select list items to M-Files export
M-FILES object creation with default Workflow
Trigger size aware option
New ChronoBatch function: GetLastInputCoun
Fixed possible memory leaks when OCR was cancelled
Fixed HotFolder issues
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
November 7, 2014
Requires maintenance through 2013.11.07
PDF: Native PDF format retain on export
PDF: Detect PDF orientation improvements
General: Serveral hotfix
Zonal OCR: Select zone with Ctrl+Click in a word
Thumbnails: Open current image on an external viewer
Output: Allows to activate/deactivate output modules
IntelliCap: Remove th and rd of the English dates
Fixed HotFolder issues
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
September 19, 2014
Requires maintenance through 2013.09.19
Output: Allows to generate PDF/A-1a
Interface: German user interface completed
Interface: Lithuanian user interface completed
Interface: French user interface completed
IDR: Type recognition in all document pages
IDR: Improved scale detection
IDR: Improved offset detection
OMR: Mark detection engine (Advanced version)
Main: Allows to execute custom image processing
Main: Allows to execute custom image processing
OCR: Allows to execute OCR only on specified pages
SCAN: Start to scan if scanner selected
Export: New VBScript at export time
Custom.xml: New custom xml options
Stability issues
Performance issues
Field Rename
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
May 14, 2014
Requires maintenance through 2013.04.14
Main: Allows drop files from windows explorer and MS Outlook
Viewer: New zoom area tool
Viewer: New toolbar on viewer.Document Type: Image processing by document type
Document Type: Select OCR engine by document type
IDR: New tool to improve recognition of similar document types
Fields: Allows to show/hide field on specified document type
HotFolders: New HotFolder utility (Advanced version)
Plug-In: New optional Nuance-OCR Plug-in
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
September 19, 2014
Requires maintenance through 2013.02.17
Batches: Allows you to export only validated documents
Batches: Allows you to export only errors
Batches: Allow exporting errors to one destination and validated to other destination
Batches: Batch number is now global for multiple user environments
Batches: Now allows deleting exported documents (and retains errors in the batch)
Command Line: New utilities for the command line
User Interface: New utilities to customize ChronoScan UI
PDF rendering problems solved
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
January 16, 2014
Requires maintenance through 2013.01.16
Capture table now has start/end limits and start/end triggers
New extraction functions in capture table
New trigger: record identification and split on reports
New trigger: create horizontal reference lines
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
December 26, 2013
Requires maintenance through 2012.12.26
General: Sample jobs/documents installation
General: Allows changing the date fields capture format
Jobs: Document Types configuration is now under job folder
ChronoScan Release Notes v.
November 26, 2013
Requires maintenance through 2012.11.26
Document Recognition: New zone engine allows capture zones from different scaled documents (photocopies, etc.)
Triggers OCR: Added local OCR only in the trigger area
Types: Now one document type can be excluded from the automatic type recognition
Zones: Dual OCR zone type, allows you to capture one zone using two engines, if there are differences, then the field is marked as an error
Zones: Allows you to clear background noise
Zones: Erode and dilate chars filter
Zones: Allows you to view the cropped zone in the data form
Improved OCR recognition quality
Overall OCR speed improved by 30-40%
Improved OCR spaces detection
Improved OCR inversion detection
Line extraction: Capture specific lines from multiline columns
Line extraction: Export grid data module to CSV/TXT
Alfresco/CMIS: Set object type directly (ObjectTypeId)
Alfresco/CMIS: Set value on properties of type date, decimal, long, int