Index OCR Tools Toolbar OCR Tools Toolbar
On the OCR Tools Toolbar you have tools for OCR reading. You can select the OCR Engine and access it's settings and do OCR for the fields created.

OCR Read

1. OCR Read
This menu allows you to setup OCR reading and to select the OCR engine desired. It is good practice to change it when the current one is returning too many errors. This menu is the same as the OCR Read Options menu on the  on the Scan/Input Tab.
Options presented by the OCR Read menu.
The  Do All Text OCR on All Images option will open the OCR All Pages window. You can change the Active OCR Engine by selecting one from the Active OCR Engine menu and tweak it's settings by clicking on the Active OCR Settings options. More on OCR Engines and it's settings here.

Activate Page OCR

2. Activate Page OCR
By enabling this function ChronoScan will try to read the whole page using the currently active OCR Engine. Recommended for setting up the Job. If you want to use Fast Field Creation you must have this enabled.

OCR Rebuild

3. OCR Rebuild
Rebuild the whole OCR done by ChronoScan. Use this if you are having trouble when changing OCR Engines.

OCR Fields Rebuild

4. OCR Fields Rebuild
This button will rebuild only the OCR done on the OCR Zones, much faster than OCR Rebuild. Use this if you only need the information inside the OCR Zones.