The Public Cloud Module, or eTags, utilize special types of intelli-tag lists that are generated utilizing a statistical machine learning technique.
ChronoScan includes 6 different models for different languages. On the Condition column, it is possible to set a condition for language. On the Model column the desired language can be selected. Currently the eTags module only has modules for the following languages:
UK, EN, ES, CA, FR and NL.
The Code column specifies the list to be used, the Field column defines the data field to which the match should be sent to. The Transform column allows the users to set quick correction filters for the data captured.
Finally, the Type column will define a search filter for the matching system.
To use eTags on a Job, just turn on the "Read I-tags using Public Cloud Models" option on the Processing Tasks on the Process and Tasks Settings window. The "Execute Intelli-Tag search" option must also be enabled.
Once the option is enabled, the configuration window will show up. To open the configuration window again, just select the "Read I-tags using Public Cloud Models" again.
Condition Column
A condition can be set for the different languages available.