
7.4. Manual Batch Creation

7.4. Manual Batch Creation
The user can create new Batches manually by uploading image or PDF files from the client machine.
At Batch creation it is also possible to rotate, delete, split and join pages from all imported files.

Image Processing

1. Image Processing
The image processing options will allow the user to auto-crop, deskew and rotate the selected pages.

Batch Stats

2. Batch Stats
The batch stats will display the number of documents, pages and the currently selected pages.

Selection Tools

3. Selection Tools
  • Select all
  • Remove selection
  • Invert selection

Page Split and Removal

4. Page Split and Removal
  • Split page
  • Delete page

Input Options

5. Input Options
Use the Scan or Upload button to add files and create the new batch.

Save/Cancel Batch

6. Save/Cancel Batch
Use the cancel batch button to delete the current batch and go back to the dashboard tab.
When you are done adding all documents and performing all the desired classification options click on save batch to send the batch to the next workflow step.