Intelli-Tags View
On the intelli-tags view it is possible to manage all intelli-tags linked to the current Job.
The user can disable, remove or change settings for each intelli-tag.
 Sort by Intelli-Tag Scope
 View masterkey specific intelli-tag. On this section the user will see all intelli-tags linked to the current masterkey (supplier).
 View document type specific intelli-tags. On this section the user will see all intelli-tags linked to the current document type (template).
 View global intelli-tags. On this section the user will see all global intelli-tags.
 Intelli-Tag List Selection
On this list the user can see and select the desired intelli-tag list depending on the scope selected.
On this case the Suppliers list for the ENGLISH language.
By clicking on each intelli-tag value the user will be taken to it's settings window where it is possible to change settings.
By clicking on the blue play arrow the user will disable the current intelli-tag.
Disabled intelli-tags will have a red stop sign instead of the blue play arrow.