Index ODBC Export to Several Tables

Sometimes is necessary to export the data to several tables. For example in invoices we can export header fields like invoice no, date, etc. to a table and the grid capture fields (detail lines) to another table. This is an example of how to configure two conversion data modules.
We have an invoice job with several capture fields and a detail lines grid capture:
In export configuration window add conversion module
Select ODBC Export
Configure name, connection DSN, table (e.g. INVOICES) and set to false "Export XGrid data"
Now we have the first data conversion module
Now we add the second conversion module to export grid data (detail lines)
Once again add conversion module, selecting as source "Documents in Batch..." (is the source of our data)  and  ODBC Export
Configure this new module to another table (e.g. INVOICES_DETAIL_LINES) activate capture fields needed, in this case only "Invoice number" we'll use to link INVOICES table and also activate grid control fields 1.
As a result we'll have two conversion modules, when execute export both of them will be executed.
This is the result for the first configuration "ODBC Export INVOICE DATA"
This is the result for the second configuration "ODBC Export INVOICE DETAIL LINES"