Google Drive™ Destination Export Module
The Google Drive™ destination export module will allow users to export documents directly into a Google Drive folder.
By default the module will generate a private file. To create shared files make sure "Share document" is set to true.
To get the URL for the shared file the "%docfield.expinfo.DriveSharedUrl.ChronoScan PDF Text_4.GoogleDrive%" - where ChronoScan PDF Text_4 is the name of the conversion module used - variable should be used. For instance, this variable can be used on an SMTP module to send out the emails with the links or an ODBC module to insert the links into a database table.
NOTE: This feature is only available as is on version
Module Configuration
The module configuration will allow the user to set filters for the export. For instance only exporting documents that passed all validation rules or that have a specific value on a field.