Working with M-FILES Value Lists
This article shows basic scripts to work with M-FILES value lists using client API and VBScripting:
Sample 1: Fill Country List in a ChronoScan Field
Set the edit property "Help List" to "Show Window".
Edit the event "OnEnterField" (right click on your field properties):
Vault = "My Vault"
ListId = 154 ' Countries
Set oMFAPIApp = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.MFilesClientApplication")
Set g_oVault = oMFAPIApp.BindToVault(Vault, 0, True, True)
Set oItems = g_oVault.ValueListItemOperations.GetValueListItems(ListId, True, 0)
Call UserField_Country.HelpList_Clear()
For Each Item In oItems
Call UserField_Country.HelpList_AddValueDescription(Item.Name,Item.ID)
Call UserField_Country.HelpList_Populate()
This will populate the helplist when focusing the field:
Sample 2: Adding Values to an External M-FILES List
Use this script as base sample to allow your users to create new values on a M-FILES value list:
Edit the event "OnValueChanged":
Const MFValueListItemPropertyDefName = 2
Const MFParentChildBehaviorNone = 0
Const MFDatatypeText = 1
Const MFExternalDBRefreshTypeNone = 0
Vault = "My Vault"
MyListId = 154
' Check If the value exists. If not, ask user to create a new One
Sub Main()
If UserField_Country.value = "" Then Exit Sub
Set oMFAPIApp = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.MFilesClientApplication")
Set g_oVault = oMFAPIApp.BindToVault(Vault, 0, True, True)
Set scValueListItem = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SearchCondition")
Call scValueListItem.Expression.SetValueListItemExpression( MFValueListItemPropertyDefName,MFParentChildBehaviorNone, Nothing )
scValueListItem.ConditionType = 1 ' MFConditionTypeEqual
Call scValueListItem.TypedValue.SetValue( MFDatatypeText , UserField_Country.value )
Set arrSearchConditions = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SearchConditions")
Call arrSearchConditions.Add(-1, scValueListItem)
Set oItems = g_oVault.ValueListItemOperations.SearchForValueListItems(MyListId, arrSearchConditions, True, MFExternalDBRefreshTypeNone)
If oItems.Count = 0 Then
' Value Doesn't exist, allow user to create a new one
If MsgBox("The value ["&UserField_Country.value&"] does not exist in the list COUNTRIES, Do you want to create it ?", vbYesNo ) = vbYes Then
Set value = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.ValueListItem")
value.ValueListID = MyListId
value.Name = UserField_Country.value
Set newvalue = g_oVault.ValueListItemOperations.AddValueListItem(MyListId, value)
If Not newvalue Is Nothing Then
Call UserField_Country.SetListValue(newvalue.Name, newvalue.ID)
UserField_Country.value = ""
End If
UserField_Country.value = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
Call Main()
Export Values to a Lookup List Type:
To export value to a list field it is necessary to send the list value ID instead of the list value itself. If you're using the samples above, you can export using the %docfield.sysval_list_desc_FIELDNAME% internal value that retains the populated description (ID):
Note: Use the variable wizard and search for _desc_ to show all available list description id's.