Index Lookup Viewer Lookup Viewer
The Database Lookup Viewer can be accessed through the modules panel and it will allow the user to see and edit supplier data used for masterkey setups. Learn more about masterkey setups here.
The Lookup Viewer will also allow the user to manipulate database data from databases connected to ChronoScan such as database help lists. Learn more here.

Database Selection

1. Database Selection
The dropdown menu will allow the user to select which database to edit. At time of release only a Supplier database is selectable. Use the refresh button to reload database information.

Save Changes

2. Save Changes
After editing the desired fields click on the  save button to save the changes to the database.

Delete Entry

3. Delete Entry
A entry on the database (supplier) can be removed by clicking on the Delete Entry button.

Database Lookup Field Properties

4. Database Lookup Field Properties
The properties for each database field can be edited using the Database Lookup Field Properties button. It will open the Database Lookup Field Properties window.