Index Barcode Read Barcode Read
Barcode read settings on the Scan/Input Tab.
To access the barcode read settings for the Job you are currently working on you have to click on the Barcode read button on the Scan/Input tab and click on Barcode Read Settings. You can have multiple configurations for barcode reading by clicking on Add barcode read configuration.

Barcode read Button

1. Barcode read Button
Using the Barcode Read button you can activate Barcode Reading for your Job, setup the barcode reading, triggers with barcodes and add multiple barcode read configurations. The barcode read settings are documented here.

Advanced Barcode Triggers

2. Advanced Barcode Triggers
Here you can setup advanced barcode triggers such as running VBScripts, split documents in a few different ways and set values for data fields.
Some of those options are also available through the "Barcode Read Settings" menu. The barcode trigger options are documented here.