Grid Setup Grid Setup
Grids are used to capture tables and line items from documents in a very fast and efficient way. To use a grid the user must first ensure at least one grid control is enabled on the Fields settings for the current Job (It must be setup on ).
The grids on ChronoScan have advanced options for handling a wide range of custom capture needs. It is also possible to use triggers to make sure the grid positioning is correct across all pages.
The main step in the grid setup process is to choose the master column and to set the basic row options, which can be done by clicking on each header column to open the header menu or column menu for the desired column.

Grid Menu

1. Grid Menu
Use the Grid Menu button to open the Grid Properties.

Set Grid Anchor

2. Set Grid Anchor
The Set grid Anchor button allows the user to create a reference position trigger for the desired part of the Grid.

Reference Line Tool

3. Reference Line Tool
The Reference Line Tool will allow the user to set a position reference trigger for multi page documents. A dropdown menu will show up with all available triggers.

Remove Column

4. Remove Column
Click on the remove column button to remove the currently selected column.