Index Data Field Properties Data Field Properties
The data field properties will allow the user to change the data field properties to fit their specific application needs.
Custom scripts can be added through the scripting sections, help lists and intelli-tag lists can be added, group fields can be created and managed, validation rules and input rules can be set and much more.

Input Data Field Properties

1. Input Data Field Properties
Field name and description will allow the user to set the field name and the field description. Descriptions are useful for leaving notes for other admin users.
Be careful when changing field names as this can affect linked objects such as triggers and scripts.
A VBScript alias can be created to avoid script problems when changing field names or to simplify writing scripts.

Field Grouping Properties

2. Field Grouping Properties
The field grouping properties will allow the user to create and manage field groups.
This is very useful on configurations that contain many data fields and not all of them are used at once.
Setting group field to true will make the field become a group parent. Setting the parent field will group the current field with the selected parent.
Group fields can be set to be always expanded, collapsed or to save the last state:

Intelli-Tag Search Properties

3. Intelli-Tag Search Properties
The intelli-tag search properties are used for data fields linked to intelli-tag lists.
To link an existing data field to an intelli-tag list just select the desired list on the corresponding field.
Setting read-only to true will prevent any user from adding intelli-tags to the linked list while still allowing access to the field value.
To prevent users from manually typing data on a field use the read-only property under input data field properties.

Field Scripting Properties

4. Field Scripting Properties
The field scripting properties will allow the user to run visual basic scripts on several data field specific events.
OnEnterEdit happens when a user selects the data field for editing;
OnKillFocus happens when the user selection changes from the current field;
OnEndEdit happens when the user manually changes the value of the field and then changes the selection;
OnValueChanged happens as soon as the value of the field is changed and committed;
OnListValueSelect happens when the user selects a value from the value list linked to this field (for list field types or help lists).

Document Scripting Properties

5. Document Scripting Properties
The document scripting properties will allow the user to run visual basic scripts in the context of the job workflow.
OnValidate will run every time any value is changed either by user interaction or by another data capture object or script;
OnDocumentCreated will run when the document is created inside the batch on import;
OnDocumentDeleted will run when a document is deleted from the batch either from a script or manually;
OnDocumentTypeCreated will run when a new document type is created by the system;
OnDocumentTypeChanged will run when a document type is changed either while detecting the type for the first time or changing it manually or through a trigger;
OnDocumentProcessBegin will run as soon as each document starts processing, the script will delay the start of the processing;
OnDocumentProcessFinish will run as soon as all processing steps are run for each document;
OnLoadDocument will run when the user or the system selects a document;
OnBeforeChangeDocument runs when the user or the system changes the document selection, before the new document loads;
OXGridValueChanged will run when a value is read or changed on any modules panel grid control, when Xgrid read is processing this code will run only once;
OnValueChanged runs whenever any data field value is changed, this won't run during processing.