OCR Zones Setup OCR Zones Setup
OCR Zones are used to capture text from a user defined area inside a document. OCR Zones allow Advanced filtering and image processing options and will allow the user to get better results on documents that present poor quality for OCR. Whenever intelli-tags don't work a OCR Zone might be used to replace it.
To use an OCR Zone the user must select the OCR Zone tool on the top navigation toolbar, select the desired Data Field and then create a zone around the area containing the text that needs to be captured.

Assigned Field Label

1. Assigned Field Label
This label will display the field the selected OCR Zone is assigned to.

Captured Data Label

2. Captured Data Label
This label will display the data that is being captured by the OCR Zone.

OCR Zone Settings

3. OCR Zone Settings
By clicking on the OCR Zone Settings button the user can setup advanced reading options and remove the OCR Zone.

OCR Zone Summary

4. OCR Zone Summary
This pop-up menu will display information about the current OCR Zone settings.