To properly display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. Lookup Fields From an External Database Using Scripts
This sample will search the Document_Type on an external database and lookup 2 fields. If the value doesn't exist it will set the field to error status.
Right Click with the mouse on the field and
click on "Advanced properties"
Set the script for the
OnValueChanged event
Dim SQLString
' Create a database connection,
Set MyDB = ChronoApp.CreateAdoDBConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Dbs\suppliers.mdb;Persist Security Info=False;", "", "")
' Build your SQL Query
SQLString = "Select * from Suppliers where SupplierName = '" & UserField_Document_Type.value & "'"
Set rsCustomers = MyDB.Execute(SQLString)
If Not rsCustomers.EOF Then
' Action when the searched value exist
UserField_AccountRef.value = rsCustomers.Fields("AccountRef")
UserField_NominalCode.value = rsCustomers.Fields("NominalCode")
UserField_TaxCode.value = rsCustomers.Fields("TaxCode")
' Validate the Fields
UserField_Document_Type.ValidateStatus = 1
UserField_AccountRef.ValidateStatus = 1
' Set field validation to error
UserField_Document_Type.ValidateStatus = 0
UserField_AccountRef.ValidateStatus = 0
UserField_AccountRef.ValidateMessage = "Supplier doesn't exist On the remote database"
End If