3.6.3. Executing ChronoScan on Command line
ChronoScan PRO allows users to execute the program on Command line mode (only licensed versions):
Command line options:
Redirect the output report to a custom file:
-outreport:"<path to custom output report>"
Execute ChronoScan in build-in user mode:
Execute ChronoScan with a specific configuration directory:
-customdir:"<path to configuration directory>"
This option allows to execute different jobs/batchs settings on the same PC using the "Config.xml" file on each different directory.
Execute an external database import
-externaldataimport:"import configuration name"
This option allows to execute an external data import configuration.
Execute all configurations -externaldataimport:"All"
Execute several configurations -externaldataimport:"conf1|conf2|conf3"
Execute an Itellitag import
-intellitagimport:"import configuration name"
This option allows to execute an intellitag import configuration.
Execute all configurations -intellitagimport:"All"
Execute several configurations -intellitagimport:"conf1|conf2|conf3"
Execute ChronoScan in hotfolder mode:
Execute a ChronoScan VBScript automation process:
-vbs:"<path to VBScript File>"
Flags for VBScript Mode:
Shows the Script Edit Window
Hides the ChronoScan console Window
Opens user interface when finish
Opens last opened/created batch on ChronoScan UI (only work when open_ui_when_finish is present)
With this, you are able to execute the most common operations on ChronoScan without the need for user intervention. For example, importing images from a hotfolder, performing OCR on the files and exporting it to Alfresco.
Check the
ChronoBatch documentation for import modules parameters.
This is a basic automation example for importing .tif files, performing OCR and exporting to Alfresco:
Function ProcessFolderFiles()
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow "Running On " & ChronoApp.GetVariableValue("station_name")
Set Batch = ChronoApp.CreateBatch("OCR TO ALFRESCO", "NEW BATCH NAME")
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow path & " \ " & file
If Batch Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Error creating Batch"
Exit Function
End If
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow "Batch " & Batch.GetName() & " Created"
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow Batch.GetDocCount() & " Documents"
If Not Batch.GetDocCount() = 0 Then
' Empty the batch if already has documents
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow Batch.GetDocCount() & " Documents"
End If
' Import documents on folder "c:\import".
If Batch.GetDocCount() = 0 Then
Batch.ExecuteInputModule "pdf_files", "PDF document import#directory=c:\import#extensions=*.pdf"
End If
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow Batch.GetDocCount() & " In process"
If Batch.GetDocCount() = 0 Then
ChronoApp.AddToOutputWindow "Nothing to Do"
Exit Function
End If
Batch.ExecuteProcess "DESKEW;" ' OCR images
Batch.ExecuteProcess "OCR;" ' OCR images
Batch.ExecuteProcess "TYPEDETECT;" ' Document type detection
Batch.ExecuteProcess "FIELDREAD;" ' Read OCR fields (if any)
Batch.ExecuteProcess "EXPORTBATCH;" ' Execute the current output configuration
Batch.ExecuteProcess "SENDMAIL;" ' Send a report to the administrator email
ChronoApp.Clean() ' JobEnd
End Function
Call ProcessFolderFiles